


. 舒适·康福特工贸有限公司,屹立于风景优美、气势磅礴的长江之畔,地处九省通衢、水陆交通便利的经济开发区,吸荆楚之灵气,得科技之精华,商贾翩翩一片繁荣。




Localted in the thoroughfare of nine provinces,COMFORT.FT industrial Trade Co.Ltd. stands on the pictureque bank of ever-roaring Changjiang River and on the Economic Devilopment Zone of Wuhan,where the transportation is well developed by air,water and land ,the business is prosperous and the intellctuals and advanced technologies are concentrated.

COMFORT.FT is a manufacture-production company with enter-wall combined the research,production and sale as a whole with production department ,Enterprise planning department,sales department,human resourde departemnt and the departemnt of which charge of internal fairs as it also has qualified designers who knows the lift well and who well pay much attention to the custormer"s personality. It has a number skill worker who will dealwith installation. The company is a big one of it"s kind with modernized management and "good quality","well-know" brand as it"s spirit.

With the best chosen materials,the excellent design of the furniture which shows the deep understanding of the western idea of kitchen of the designers,and the details demonstrate the professional conception of the workers.The kitchen is very practical.Special recommendation:stander sized drobe,kitchen door,metal fittings,platform-ssurface,and power setter,ect. they are also named as the series of "all powerful","warm-harbor" and "Berlin"s wind".

When CoMFORT.FT is your choice,you have all your convenience:outstanding quality,perfect service,a disease-free kitchen and a happy life!




联系人 胡经理 
座机电话 027-88911992 
联系地址 武汉市武昌张加湾长征工业园特一号 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:武汉市武昌张加湾长征工业园特一号 技术支持:成都九正科技