



FREE Co.,Ltd. manufactures a complete line of kitchen/furniture wire basket storage system in Shanghai, China. Our chrome products have been positively recognized by our worldwide distributors in Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, USA, South Africa, Greece……etc. The three step manufacturing process of our chrome products guarantees highest quality standards. With the size 50,000 SQM of our factory, we continue to grow by providing our customers the highest level of service, efficiency and reliability. In addition to the wire basket storage system, we have been expanding our product range by collaborating with various specialized manufacturers in China. Through product quality, market awarenes and team development, we aim to become the first choice supplier in China to the kitchen and furniture industry. From this catalogue, you will find the products, which are grouped into particular product sectious. For more details, please contact our marketing department directly.

福瑞品牌在国内同行业中享有盛誉。主要致力于橱柜配件、橱卫电器及塑料用品等相关产品的设计开发,生产及推广。是一家有优质产品,**的服务,完善的销售网络,工贸相结合的企业。 公司秉着诚信为本的经商之道,坚持以市场为导向,实行品牌、质量、价格、服务、品种全方位的营销策略。公司产品完全按照行业标准,进行全方位质量控制,以确保品质**。公司产品已形成多元化,品种规格齐全。我们热诚欢迎各位新老客户光临指导洽谈,携手共创美好前程. 厨柜五金 拉伸柜 升降机 高深篮 转角篮 储物篮  厨柜拉篮 功能拉篮 拉篮系列 板式拉篮  厨用产品 垃圾桶 储米箱 刀叉盘 挂架类  厨柜配件 吊柜配件 抽屉配件 抽屉间隔 其它配件  厨柜灯饰 长形灯 角形灯 筒形灯 灯配件  **新产品 全趟拉伸餐台 平台拉伸餐台 全铜吧台支撑 分类垃圾桶 抽屉分隔板 抽屉刀叉盒 多功能调整脚 抽屉分隔槽  铝侧板骑马滑轨 碗盘滴水架 厨柜隐藏吊码 抽屉间隔板 骑马滑轨 抽屉防滑垫 超重任意撑 气动折叠上翻门支架 气功垂直提升支架 门抽缓冲器 厨柜明装吊码 刀叉盘 气压撑杆 任意撑 日式米箱




联系人 陆启泽 
手机号码 131225***** 点击查看 
座机电话 13122547276 
传真号码 021-54093884 
联系地址 上海市闵行区七辛路1999弄45号101 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:上海市闵行区七辛路1999弄45号101 技术支持:成都九正科技