


主营:台灯 落地灯; 灯具,荧光灯具; 柜子灯,节能灯,UL,美国; 电子镇流器; 电子变压器; UL电子产品; 镇流器; 台灯; 壁灯; 落地灯; 吸顶灯; 其他室内照明灯具; 达加利电器(上海)有限公司座落于上海市松江区洞泾工业区,拥有11000平方米的现代化厂房,并具有现代化生产设备及完整的质量管理体系。在世界各地拥有成熟完善的销售网络及稳定的客户资源。公司主要生产各种室内室外灯具、电感及电子镇流器,光源电子产品等。产品及设计获得多项国内外专利。 公司已通过ISO9001质量体系认证,产品通过UL/CUL/FCC/GS/VDE等多国安全认证。并有部分产品获得美国能源之星产品认证标志。产品主要销往北美,欧州等国家。 With 110,000 SF factory facility in Song Jiang Industrial Zone of Shanghai, Sales Office and warehouse in Los Angeles,USA,DJL has grown to be one of the most competitive suppliers of electronic ballast, magnetic ballast, indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures in North America. DJL offers ballast and transformer for both fixture and portable lamp use. Our customers include those in the lighting fixture manufacturing business, showroom business, contractors and builders, parking lot and street lighting business, home center business and all kinds of fluorescent and halogen lamp application. With ISO9001 qualified management system, DJL also meets social and environmental compliance requirement. DJL products have UL and CSA listed to join Energy Star Platform Program.All of DJL products quality and delivery must satisfy our customer



联系人 席小姐 
手机号码 138179***** 点击查看 
座机电话 021-57670330 
传真号码 021-57670067 
联系地址 松江区洞泾镇洞泾工业区洞舟路258号 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:松江区洞泾镇洞泾工业区洞舟路258号 技术支持:成都九正科技