



  U.S. conger sofa is a long history of professional leather sofa fabric (product) manufacturers. Companies design, research and development, production as a whole; to innovation, like India, keen for the idea of going all out to create a new generation of sofa (green) products! All products in terms of design, material selection, production, packaging and even in areas such as after-sale follow-up are to achieve perfection, and strive to high quality integrity. In the spring, summer, autumn and winter filled with a positive spirit of optimism, bright and charming colors, which complement each other more than the contrast. US sofa magic moment of glory in the sense of space into a brilliant, rich color and texture space for putting the temptation of the polarization between the different culture through the mystique. Allows you to experience his busy schedule in the United States and sofa conger new feelings. Well-being of the blue, an auspicious red, white and beautiful, the wisdom of gold, the mysterious purple, orange sweet conger, etc. ... will allow the United States because of color and beautiful sofa,
    Look new and old customers and the community in support of the United States and conger innovative perfect sofa, the sofa the next level of the industry, and create brilliant ... ...



联系人 欧阳兆军 
座机电话 86 0797 6633727 
传真号码 86 0797 6633727 
联系地址 江西省南康市新配套市场1栋3号  
其它联系 网页留言


地址: 江西省南康市新配套市场1栋3号 技术支持:成都九正科技