


广州市喜迎门门业制造有限公司成立于2000年,地处环境优美的广州市白云区,专业生产加工各类实木门、复合实木门等木制品;产品早期以出口加工为主,行销世界各地,在与全国各专卖店和经销商客户的精诚合作中,在全体员工不断努力之下,喜迎门木门产品已成为广大新老客户的**。 本公司从欧洲、台湾引进专业的木工生产设备,精选进口经过脱脂、干燥处理后的优质木材和辅料,依靠完善的质量管理体系,以质量为根本,以技术为保证,产品品质精益求精,款式不断创新,服务更臻完善,力争为客户创造更多更好的产品。 在近10的创业过程中,公司一直秉乘“务实、诚信、求精、创新”的经营理念,以质量创品牌,以品牌拓市场,以管理创效益,以创新求发展,专注于木制品生产过程每个细节和流程的控制,不断提升产品品质和出货效率,伴随着行业和客户的共赢发展,喜迎门已迎来了又一个更具发展的时空,愿我们伸出诚信合作的手,一起步入更辉煌的明天。 产品分类: 1. 实木门 木种:红樱桃、黑胡桃、金丝柚、沙比利等 2. 复合实木门 复合实木效果,有多种天然木皮可选 3. 其他木制品 按客户要求生产加工 GuangZhou XiYingMen Wooden Door Product Co.,ltd founded in 2000,is one of enterprises specialized in production of solid wooden door and artisticsolid door;The company is headquartered in BaiYu Area,GuangZhou.with sales outlets throughout the country. The company has its advanced production equipment,mor stringent scientific management,fashionable design and high quality technician etc so that each product is very unique and exquisite process and delicate sculpture,wooden products manufactured are unique design,advanced technique,exquisite and elegant style,luxury with European and American taste,even more Chinese classic culture classic culture artistic taste.XiYingMen staff are always pursuing for more harmonious household atmosphere and more legend and colorful life,even arduously creating for healthy and harmonious family. Throughout the years,the company has always regarded customer satisfaction as its guideline,dedicated to creating greater value for customers.We take the satisfaction of customer needs as our mission.Personalized product design,high quality of products,competitive prices,selection of environmentally-friendly superior materials and efficient professional services are the unfailing principles of GuangZhou XiYingMen Wooden Door Product Co.,ltd and the key to its success in capturing markets and leading the industry.XiYingMen staff are looking forward to mutual creation for beautiful family with you ,him/her and all others. Pure Wooden door & Solid Wooden Door 欢迎广大新老客户前来参观洽商!



联系人 蔡鹏飞 
手机号码 137103***** 点击查看 
座机电话 020-62654030 
传真号码 020-62654020 
联系地址 广州市白云区广从四路239号 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:广州市白云区广从四路239号 技术支持:成都九正科技