


Freestone(富利通) 常州市富利通装饰材料有限公司位于美丽富饶的长江三角洲地区的常州,东临上海,北接南京,交通非常便捷。公司专业设计、生产、加工Freestone(富利通)美杰石品牌的艺术透光石材制品,主要应用于宾馆酒店、商务会展中心、商场浴场、别墅等中高档场所,装饰于吊顶、隔断、玄观、前台、吧台、背景墙、门庭、立柱等处或制成各种灯具装饰于显要位置,营造独特的氛围,显现物业的尊贵。 公司提供专业的技术咨询,可以根据不同的要求制作相应的产品,甚至按您的创意要求设计加工成绝无仅有的精品。 设计――标新立异,质量――精益求精,服务――热情周到。 富利通人愿以我们的“专业、诚信、热情”为每一位用户谋富创利。为设计师提供广阔无垠的创意,为建筑物营造靓丽独特的**。 客服电话:021-62271882 传 真:021-62279883 联 系 人:包先生 公司网址:www.freestone-meijie.com E-mail: flt@freestone-meijie.com Changzhou Freestone Decorating Materials Company is located in Changzhou city of Changjiang Delta.It’s west to Shanghai and south to Nanjing.The communication is very convenient.Our company especially designs,processes and manufactures the artistic soft stone products under Freestone-Meijie Brand.Mainly used in restaurant,hotel,business exhibition center,bath center and villa,etc.It also can be used to decorate the ceiling,partition wall, bar-desk,background wall,and doorframe etc,also can be processed into various lamps ,decorating the main position. Our company provides professional technical consulting and makes the products satifying the need of customer,even designs the special products according to your creative need. Design---Create it new and original Quality---Strive for perfection Service--- serve with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness The staff of Freestone is willing to serve every customer with profession,honesty and enthusiasm for the customer’s benefit. Tel:021-62271882 Fax:021-62279883 Web:www.freestone-meijie.com E-mail: flt@freestone-meijie.com



联系人 包先生 
手机号码 133861***** 点击查看 
座机电话 021-62271882 
传真号码 021-62279883 
联系地址 长寿路433弄3号15D 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:长寿路433弄3号15D 技术支持:成都九正科技