


南安龙投石业有限公司是一家专业的石材生产商,工厂位于福建省水头市,占地面积8万平方米。公司下属两家工厂,主要生产大理石系列产品,主营产品有: 1. 大理石复合板、薄板 2. 大理石马赛克 3. 大理石拼花 复合板包括: 大理石+ 铝蜂窝,大理石+瓷砖,大理石+花岗岩,大理石+铝塑. 推荐用国产或进口的大理石做复合板,花岗岩易碎。 铝蜂窝复合板非常适合现代装修。减轻建筑的重量。 工厂设备全部从意大利进口,产品长期销往欧、美、日、韩等地,并深受当地客户欢迎。公司另有多家配合的兄弟工厂,可按客户需求提供台面板、洗面台、墓石、地铺、雕刻、壁炉等各类产品。欢迎国内外客商前来参观访问。 Longtou Stone CO.,LTD is a professional supplier of natural stone products; the factory is located in Shuitou, Fujian, China. It covers 80,000 square meters and has three Italian marble sawing machines and their matching stream-line equipments. It could provide various stone products such as: granite countertops, vanity tops, tombstone, paving stone, sculpture, fir e p l a c e. The company invests a lot recently to set up new factories for high technique products which include: 1. Marble tile & Composite tile 2. Stone mosaics 3.Patterns The products have been exporting to American, Korean, Japan, and Europe and are highly welcomed by local buyers. We welcome all the customers come to our factory for a visit. We are sure that you will have a good trip here.



联系人 Ms.杨 
座机电话 0592-631 7777 
传真号码 0592-2399000 
联系地址 厦门市思明区鹭江道274-25 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:厦门市思明区鹭江道274-25 技术支持:成都九正科技