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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 洁具 > 供应感应脸盆水咀


发布日期:2008-10-02 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 洁具 - 水龙头 - 感应水龙头
规格型号 JF-2002A
产品数量 1000
地区 福建 - 泉州
详细链接 www.jefa.cn

感应脸盆水咀特点:(1)节水:感应即出水,用完后自动停水,并设有一分钟超时自动停水功能,避免因异物长时间在感应范围内造成水资源浪费;(2)卫生:无需接触龙头,出水和停水全部由感应自动完成,避免细菌交叉感染;(3)省电:A采用数字技术,超低能耗,(使用4节5号碱性电池,可用10万次以上。)   B具有低压提示功能,当电池不足时,感应指示灯3秒闪烁一次,  此时是感应器停止工作,提示及时更换电池;(4)舒适设计:内装柔水器,实现出水水质柔软,舒适;(5)维护方便:内置过滤网,防止管道沙石流入电磁阀,影响正常工作和使用寿命,维护方便(清洗过滤网即可);Function and characteristic of automatic basin faucet:(1)saving water: Water rushes when induced. There is an automatic shut down for water power when 1 minute passes. It is advisable not to let something stays long within the inductive window;(2) Sanitation: Turn on and off automatically. No need to touch the faucet so as to prevent the intercross in faction of the bacterium;(3)Saving power: A) Controlled by microcomputer, low consuming power(4 alkalescent batteriescan be used 100,000 times) B)provided with low pressure clew function. When the pressure is very low, the inductive will light every three seconds and the inductive valve will not work. Then you must replace the batteries;(4)Comfort design: It can make water feel soft and comfortable;(5)Filtrated net: It can prevent the sand to destroy the electromagnetism


联系人 陈业应
联系电话 0595-86185458
Email jiefang458@163.com
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