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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 洁具 > 供应直流(DC)交流(AC)大便感应冲水器(暗装式)


发布日期:2008-10-02 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 洁具
规格型号 JF-2012
产品数量 1000
地区 福建 - 泉州
详细链接 www.jefa.cn

大便感应冲水器特点:除具有卫生,省电,维护方便特点外,还特别具有(1)节水:机械在使用频率高的场所平均冲水量为1.2-3L:在使用频率低的场所没次冲水量为2-4(注:水压为0.5-0.7MPa);(2)智能:当人进感应范围大于1秒,进行第一阶段冲水,当人离开后进行第二阶段冲水5秒,频繁使用,则不进行第一阶段冲水,只行第二阶段冲水。设有连续24小时无人使用,系统自动冲水5秒,以防止脱水器与排水管干涸,消除异味;Function and characteristic of automatic urinal flush filter and toilet flush valve: except having characteristics of sanitation, saving power, they especially have characteristics of saving water, capacity, (1) Saving water: Each average water consumption is 1.2-3L in low frequency of use, it is 2-4L. (Based on water pressure of 0.05-0.7MPa);(2)Capacity: When you are in the inductive area, it will flush for one second, then you leave, it will flush for five seconds. When it is used frequently, it only flushes for five seconds. It will flush automatically every 24 hours if not used to avoid the odor returning once the trap dries.


联系人 陈业应
联系电话 0595-86185458
Email jiefang458@163.com
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