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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 木业 > 保温砂浆添加剂-木质纤维素


发布日期:2010-12-03 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 木业 - 木业辅料 - 胶粘剂
规格型号 300微米-1000微米
产品数量 100吨
地区 广东 - 广州
详细链接 //www.hanyuanfibre.com

元泰木质纤维有限公司是专业从事木质纤维,聚丙烯短纤维的开发与生产的合资公司,拥有专业的德国技术,一流的生产设备。木质纤维T300, B500, H500, H1,聚丙烯短纤维3mm,6mm,9mm主要添加在外墙保温砂浆,瓷砖粘合剂,柔性耐水腻子,耐水腻子等聚合物砂浆中。元泰木质纤维的业务发展迅速,产品供应国内大型    砂浆、涂料生产企业,如德高、马贝、能高、欧诺等,并出口至新加坡、意大利等国家和地区。为开发南方市场公司在广东设立办事处,元泰广东办事处主要经营木质纤维,聚丙烯短纤维,同时为方便客户需求还有不同型号的羟丙基甲基纤维素,胶粉及甲酸钙。近期针对一些生产厂家对木质纤维分散效果不理想的反映,我司最新研发一种特级木质纤维(T300型)其产品白度好,纤维含量高,分散效果极佳。元泰广东办事处愿与各位同仁在绿色建材发展道路上携手并进,让我们的墙体更美,更坚实,更环保。   Yuantai Methyl Cellulose Company Limited is a professional supplier of methyl cellulose, polypropylene staple fiber, and polyester fiber with German technology and production line. Major products include methyl cellulose T300, B500, H500, and H1 and polypropylene staple fiber 3mm, 6mm, and 9mm, which are used in Polymer mortar such as external wall insulation mortar, tile adhesive, flexible water-resistant putty, and water putty. Yuantai is a supplier for leading paint producers such as JCDecaux China, MAPEI, LANGOOD, and ONUO, and has exported its products to Singapore, Italy, and other countries and regions. To expand its business in Southern China, Yuantai has set up a sales office in Guangdong, which sells methyl cellulose, polypropylene staple fiber, HPMC, powder, and A calcium. Yuantai has just provided the market with a new product T300 methyl cellulose, which features whiter color, richer fiber, and better evenly spread. Yuantai Guangdong Office hopes to grow together with paint producers and with concerted efforts we can build better-looking, more enduring, and environmentally-friendlier walls.


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