


盛港牌玻镁平板(俗称氧化镁板)是以氧化镁(MgO)、氯化镁(MgCl2)和水(H2O)三元体系,经配制和加改性剂而制成的,性能稳定的镁质胶凝材料、以中碱性玻纤网为增强材料,以轻质材料为填充物复合而成的新型不燃型装饰材料。它具有质轻高强、收缩性小、易施工等特点,尤其是特有的新型防水、防火、耐腐、可塑性更优于充斥市场的木质多层夹板、纸面石膏板等装饰材料。 Shenggang Magnesium Plain Board(usually called magnesium oxide board) is combined system of MgO,MgCl2 and H2O alkali agent.The stable magnesium colloid is reinforced by middle alkali glass fiber net and stuffed by light material then becomes new frameless decorative material.It has the features of light quality,strong intensity,little contraction,easy constructing.Especially the unique waterproof,fireproof,corrosion proof and plasticity are better than normally used wooden multisplint,paper surface plaster board etc. 盛港牌玻镁平板的六大特性 1、 耐火阻燃 经国家权威机构检测该材料为A级不燃性材料,用其构成的墙体及钢结构保护耐火极限远远高于国家标准。 Fireproof The material is A class frameless one tested state authority institute.The water absorb and max fire durability meet the demand for light inner partition completely. 2、 耐水防潮 已验证,该材料在水中浸泡1个月后,仍保持原样,不发生变形、发胀等现象,其干湿变形率为0.26%,其材料吸水率为15%左右,特别是抗折强度干态为15MPA,吸湿状态下为22MPA,即吸湿状态下的强度要更高。 Waterproof and moistureproof Through experiment and test,after this material has been immersed in the water for one month,it keeps its original shape,without deformation or expansion,its dry-wet deforming ratio is 0.26%,its water-absorbing capacity is 15%,especially the creasing resistance is 15Mpa under the dry condition and 22Mpa under the moisture absorbing condition,i.e. the strenght under the moisture absorbing condition is higher. 1、 保温隔热 该材料热阻为1.14m2.k/w,配合外保温材料使用可作为一般的外墙使用。 Heat preservation and protection The thermal resistance is 1.14m2k./w,matched with the exterior heat insulating material,it can be usd as the external walls in general. 2、 隔声 95MM隔声墙可达四层12MM石膏板构成的123MM墙体的隔声标准,相当于150MM普通实心砖墙的隔声效果。 Sound absorb and insulation 95mm soundproof wall can have a soundproof standard which a 123mm wall made of four layers iof 12mm gypsum plank,which is equal to the soundproof of effect of a 150mm common solid brik wall. 5、轻质高强 10MM的板材重量有10.07Kg/m2,用轻钢龙骨做墙体后为31.5 Kg/m2,约为普通实心粘土砖墙的1/10,且抗冲击强度是普通石膏板墙体的2-3倍,安装方便能有效的缩短工期。 Light quality and high intensity 10mm thick board weights 10.7Kg/m2,use the wall made of light steel keel is 31.5Kg/m2 at about 1/10 of common wall made of solid clay brick while the antiimpact intensity is 2-3 times of normal plaster wall.It can be easoly installed and the constructing time is shortened. 6、 绿色环保 该材料为无机物、植物纤维等天然材料构成,放射性符合国家标准,环保性符合国家要求,是国家政策鼓励类新产品。  Green environment protection The material is made of natural materials such as minneral and plant fober ,the environment protection meets our country’s demand.It is new product that our country is encouraging. 盛港牌玻镁平板施工说明及应用 板材接缝处理 (A) 单层罩面板在龙骨两侧的板缝,以及双层罩面板在龙骨骨架同一侧的内、外层板的板缝,均应错开排布,即接缝不能落在同一龙骨上。 (B) 板材对接时宜留设3-5MM板缝。 (C) 将板缝清理干净,填嵌缝材料(根据玻镁平板的特点,宜使用弹性嵌缝材料) (D) 嵌缝材料填科压实后,将玻纤网带粘覆在板缝上再抹一层腻子,粘上牛皮纸带后刮平 The seaming treatment (A) the seaming of single cover board,or the seaming of two-layer cover board at one side of inner and outer layer should be arranged stagger,i.e.,not on the same keel. (B) Please leave the seaming of 3-5mm when the boards dock. (C) Clean the seaming of the board,then fill the filling material(according to the features of the board,please use elastic material) (D) After the filling material has been filled and solid,cover glass net on the seaming and then paste putty, paste kraft paper and make smooth. 板材表面处理 (A) 对板面进行除尘、除腻、干燥处理 (B) 选用合适的胶结剂直接贴墙纸、刷油漆、喷塑等简装装饰 (C) 选用合适的胶结剂在板面粘结铝塑板 (D) 瓷砖贴法:(1)可在表面直接选择适当瓷砖用胶粘贴         (2)可在板材表面水泥沙浆1:3比例打底,配0.5白灰,挂钢网拉毛处理,再用水泥沙浆1:1比例粘贴。 Surface treatment of the board (A) remove dust and putty then make dry treatment (B) select proper grouting agent to paste wallpaper, paint dope, spray plastic etc (C) select proper grouting agent to adhere aluminum plastic board (D) ways of sticking the tiles: (1) Directly choose the proper tiles to be sticked onto the surface with the glue (2) Lay a base on the surface of the board with the cement and grout at a ratio of 1:3 plus 0.5 lime,hang a steel mesh to have a roghcasting treatment,then stick with the cement and grout at a ratio of 1:1 管道外包 在现代建筑中,管道外包也很重要,用盛港牌玻镁板做管道外包敷用,既可防火、防潮、又可起装饰作用。 Outer package of pipe lines In modern construction,the packageing of the pipes is also very importment.Packing the pipes withte Shenggang Glass-magnesium can both resist to the fire and moisture and work as the decoration.



联系人 蔡培霞 
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地址:张家港市乘航振兴北路东侧 技术支持:成都九正科技