


敬启者: 威士海库房设备有限公司为中美合资企业,总厂占地八万多平方米,主工厂首期厂房一万六千多平方米。威士海由美方提供关键技术,并引进国外关键零部件及标准,设计生产全系列的电动液压搬运提升设备产品。产品除少量内销外,绝大部分出口到美国、欧洲等发达国家及地区。 威士海公司作为国内主要的液压搬运提升设备设计生产厂家,已与国外许多**企业建立起长期的业务协作关系。除提供标准产品之外,威士海公司可按客户的要求设计和生产**设备或定牌加工,还可为客户提供全套的配件及相应的技术支持。 威士海品牌产品系列有:电动托盘车搬运车系列,电动液压提升平台系列,电动堆高叉车系列,货柜集装箱装卸设备系列,油桶搬运提升设备系列,高空工作平台系列,塑料箱搬运车系列,印刷纸张搬运车,氧气瓶搬运车等等及相关的电动搬运车各种要求的液压泵站、电动控制电路、行走驱动轮、液压件及密封件等零配件供应。 Veshai Handling Equipment Co., Ltd. is the primary designer, original equipment manufacturer and integrated supplier for Material Handling Equipment in China. Veshai Research and Engineering Center covers more than 2,500 square meters. The new Veshai manufacturing facility covers more than 43,800 square meters is dedicated to manufacturing, and contains state-of-the-art machine tools and two powder coat paint lines. While Veshai is able to provide a variety of standard manual products. we are also well known as the first company in China to supply a series of equipment featuring motorized traction drive systems. Our equipment is designed to meet international standards for safety and is shipped extensively to the USA and Europe as well as many other countries. Veshai has established many long term relationships with well known companies upon a world wide basis. We have provided equipment specifically manufactured to meet with customer-supplied samples and designs. Veshai takes pride in the production of many components as well as providing technical support before and after sale. Our ten years of experience in manufacturing, engineering and exporting position us to seek out and effectively serve a world wide customer base.



联系人 李德胜 
手机号码 133530***** 点击查看 
座机电话 0758-3916276 
传真号码 0758-3642354 
联系地址 广东省肇庆市大旺高新技术开发区 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:广东省肇庆市大旺高新技术开发区 技术支持:成都九正科技