


兰州鹏飞保温隔热有限公司位于西北工业重镇—兰州市西固区,占地7000多平方米,系浙江省嘉兴市鹏飞绝热安装有限公司为填补西北地区高科技保温隔热材料生产的空白,于1997年成立具有独立法人地位的股份制企业。 多年来鹏飞公司,在施工与安装工程中积累了丰富的经验,以保温隔热行业设计、施工、安装的**优势实行“求足**”的企业战略,创造了较好的业绩。公司拥有目前全国**先进的泡沫玻璃生产线,生产各种定型及按客户要求生产的特种规格泡沫玻璃、彩色吸声泡沫玻璃。年生产量达10000m3,其产品规格、品种、产量及质量均居国内之首。公司还生产聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料,其生产能力已达50000m3及上述产品配套的阻燃玛蹄脂、FG深冷粘结剂、TN-1粘结剂、耐磨剂等多种防腐、隔热材料,产品被原化工部和国家石油化工局推荐为绝热材料定点供应厂,其主导产品经国家建材局信息中心审定为“国家推荐建材产品”并经甘肃省建筑材料质量监督站抽检和化工部技术服务中心保温技术监督站检验全部合格,公司已通过ISO9001质量体系认证。 目前,公司决定充分利用国家“西部大开发”提供的政策优惠条件,将保温隔热材料的研究重点西移兰州,成立保温隔热研究所,与大专院校、科研单位通力合作,致力于开发保温、隔热材料新产品、新技术。真正做到设计、施工、生产、科研一条龙服务。 公司“以市场为导向,以顾客满意为目的,跟踪国际管理标准,追求**和持续改进”,使保温隔热材料向环保、节能、高效方向发展,以**的服务,创**的业绩,使鹏飞品牌,向国际市场拓展作出贡献。 Lanzhou Pengfei Heat Preservation Co.,Ltd. is located in the important industrial town in the northwest??Xigu district of LanHou city. It occupies a total area of over 7,000 square meters. This company, established in 1997, is the stock enterprise with independent legal person. The reason for its establishment is that Zhejiang Jiaxing Pengfei Insulation Installation Co.,Ltd. wants to fill the vacuum of the production of heat preservation material. Over years, Pengfei Company has accumulated rich experience in construction and installation. We have made achievements in design, construction and installation of heat preservation and heat insulation. Our company owns the most advanced production line for foam glass in the country. We can produce various kinds of foam glass and the specifications required by clients. Yearly production capacity has reached 10000m3. Specification, variety, output and quality of products rank the first in the country. It has been recommended as the fixed supply company for heat insulation products by original Chemical Department and National Petrochemical Department. Our company has received ISO9001 quality system certificate. At present, our company is determined to make fully use of the favorable condition provided by national policy-"West development". We moved the research of heat preservation into Lanzhou and established heat preservation research institute. We also cooperate with colleges, universities and scientific research units to be engaged in developing new products and new technology of heat preservation and heat insulation materials. Our company really has a continuous line of design, construction, production and scientific research.



联系人 沈飞翔 
手机号码 133213***** 点击查看 
座机电话 0931-7365416 
传真号码 0931-7365415 
联系地址 甘肃省兰州市西固区月牙桥163号 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:甘肃省兰州市西固区月牙桥163号 技术支持:成都九正科技