


杭州萧山顺和金属软管有限公司 HANGZHOU XIAOSHAN SHUNHE METALLINE HOSE CO.LTD 我公司是专业生产各类金属软管的专业厂家,年产量达1000万米以上,主要产品有“鹰”牌镀锌金属软管、包塑金属软管、预应力钢筋用波纹管、不锈钢耐压软管和铜镀铬淋浴管。 镀锌金属软管。包塑金属软管是理想的电线保护管,广泛应用于机床工业和建筑装璜等领域; “93”省级新产品预留孔道、为公路桥梁。厂房屋架等大跨度建筑物提供方便;不锈钢耐压软管分为螺旋形整体软管(C型)和螺旋型滚焊软管(W型)两大类,广泛应用于橡胶、塑料、石油化工、造纸、印染等多种行业的工业装备的液压、冷气、蒸气、燃油、润滑油等系统的输送管道。 欢迎您选用我公司产品,请认明“鹰”牌注册商标。 公司网址 //www.shjsrg.com EMAIL: web@shjsrg.com 厂址:浙江省杭州萧山党出镇 法定代表人:沈仁木 电话:0086-0571—82522153 手机:013906713418 传真:0086-0571—82523326 邮编:311245 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Our factory is specialized factory which produced metalline hose of all kinds.Output of per year is more than ten million meters.Its specialized in producting "YINGPAI" brand galvanixing metalline hose,surround in plastics metalline hose ,use by reinforcing prestresed bellows,pressure proof stainless steel hose,chromate copper shower pipe and so on. Galvanizing metalline hose and surround in plastics metalline hose is wire protective pipe the best,used by metalline tool industry and builing mount.Use by reinforcing prestressed bellows is compared and appraised "93 PROVINCEGRADE" new product,used for retention duct of the profabricated components,Pressure proof statimless steel hose include spirql monoblock hose(C)and sirql roll welding hose (W).its useful about Rubber,Plastics,petrochemical,papermarking,printing and dyeing.that has used for conveyer piping system carry hydranlic pressure,air condtioning,vapor,fuel oil,lubricating oil. welcome and select our producing to you .pay attention to mark"HAWK"



联系人 沈忠良 
手机号码 013867****** 点击查看 
座机电话 0086-0571-82522153 
传真号码 0086-0571-82523326 
联系地址 杭州萧山党山镇 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:杭州萧山党山镇 技术支持:成都九正科技