


沪钛化工制品有限公司成立于2007年,是一家集产供销于一体的新型化工企业。 沪钛化工制品有限公司是一家钛白粉改造深加工企业,以国内外钛白粉为原料,再次进行有机、无机、包膜后处理,将钛白粉提高到更高品质,产品质量可与进口钛白粉相媲美。如美国的R960含钛量只有80%多,它的效果是其它同类产品之**,而我公司技术部门研究生产的各种**钛白粉能达到其同等效果,并且大大降低了成本,一直深受用户青睐。 公司承袭以诚为本的经营作风,为用户提供有效可靠的服务,以现代化管理为基础,新世界水平为目标,向多元化、规模化发展。主导产品“宏鹰”牌钛白粉。 沪钛化工制品有限公司将坚持办厂原则,根据市场变换和需求,以先进的技术、**的化验和分析手段,现代化的管理机制、优质的新产品、完善的售后服务来服务广大客户。并期待你的真诚合作! Hutai Chemical Manufauturer CO.Ltd.Taking its shape in 2000,is a collection of production, supply ,sell in one of the new chemicail industry. Hutai Chemical Manufacturer Co.Ltd.is atitanium dioxide processing enterpreses transform to titanium dioxide as raw materials at home and abroad,again organic, inorganic, coating treatment, will improve the high quality titanium dioxide, titanium dioxide product quality can be comparable with the imported. Such as the United States, T960is only 80% of titanium and more, its effects are most other similar products, and technology sector of our production of titanium dioxide to achieve the same special effects, and greatly reduce the cost, has been well received users. Inheruted the company was sincere mangement style, to provide users with efficient and reliable services to modern managemt, the New World as the goal, the diversified, large-scale development . Leading products, “Hong Ying”brand titanium dioxid Hutai Chemical Manufacturer CO, Ltd. Will adhere to the titanium factories aims and principles, based on market transformation and demand, with advanced technology, first-class laboratory and analytical methods and modern management mechanism, high-quality new products, improve the service to serve our customers. And look forward to your sincere for!
注册资本(¥) 20万 公司成立时间 2007-03-20
公司注册地 广东佛山 法人/负责人 李剑明
主营产品 [查看产品信息]



联系人 梁小姐 
手机号码 137246***** 点击查看 
座机电话 13724679060 
联系地址 佛山市三水区广海大道东2号3座金太阳公馆 
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地址:佛山市三水区广海大道东2号3座金太阳公馆 技术支持:成都九正科技