


主营产品:胶合板; 多层板; 家具板; 激光刀模板; 环保橱柜生态板


证书编号 371302679230338号
证书名称 税务登记证
生效日期 2008-09-08
截止日期 2018-09-08
证书图片 税务登记证
发证机构 临沂市工商行政管理局兰山分局

公司东距青岛、岚山、连云港三大海港平均距离150Km左右,临沂宏福(田园居)木业有限公司成立于一九九三年,座落在资源丰富、交通便利的著名胶合板生产基地山东临沂义堂327国道黄金地段;注册资金1000万元,是一家经国家商务部批准备案的外向内向兼并型企业,是以生产胶合板系列为主的大型企业,距京石铁路临沂站10Km,距临沂飞机场20Km,京沪高速临沂出口3km,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。公司占地10万平方米,员工:500余名,下辖:胶合板厂,科技木厂,木地板,细木工板厂,防火板厂,模板厂,加油站,房地产开发,总资产约2亿元,年生产总值3亿元,现有包括拼接机,滚筒式干燥机,双面定厚砂光机等国内外先进的胶合板生产线十条,高档科技木生产线,强化地板生产线。     本公司产品严格按GB各项标准执行,外销产品则按JPIC、IHPA各项国际权威标准执行,质量已达国际标准,是出口美国的定点企业     人本管理使企业能够存在,制度管理使企业能够壮大,创新管理使企业经久不衰。宏福大帝(田园居)公司秉承“人+制度+创新”的G管理模式,以人为本,发挥团队精神,实施规范化、标准化、制度化管理,以不断创新为企业发展源泉和动力,旨在塑造一流企业形象,一流的管理水平,一流的产品质量,一流的服务素质。     多年来宏福(田园居)木业一直以“客户的需求是我们最大的追求”为企业发展的宗旨,“优质的产品+超值的服务”使归宏福(田园居)木业赢得了众多客户的信任;目前公司90%的产品出口美国、以色列、比利时、印度,韩国、新加坡、巴拿马、非洲 德国、英国、等二十多个国家和地区。     主营业务:胶合板、家具板、 科技木 多层板 包装板,激光刀模板 贴面板     经营模式: 生产型 贸易型               

   享受田园清新   缔造健康居家     

The company east from Qingdao, lanshan, lianyungang harbor about 150Km three average distance, linyi tivoli emperor (rural house) wood industry Co., LTD was founded in 1993, is located in rich resources, the transportation convenience famous plywood production base in linyi in shandong province in gold section, Registered capital of 10 million yuan, is an approved by the ministry of commerce approved the record of the export-oriented export enterprise, is the production plywood series consisting mainly of large enterprises, is apart from the northern railway station, 10Km away from linyi linyi airport 20Km beijing-shanghai expressway linyi export 3km, the geographical position is superior, the traffic is very convenient. The company covers an area of 100,000 square meters, the staff: more than 800, administer: plywood factory, science and technology, wood factory, particieboard factory, joinery board factory, fire prevention board factory, template factory, gas stations, real estate development, total assets of about 200 million yuan, the annual production value 3 million yuan, existing including stitching machine, roller-type desiccator, double-sided set thick sanding machines of the domestic and international advanced production line 10, high-grade particieboard, plywood, a production line. Products of our company strictly according to GB standards implementation, export product is JPIC, according to IHPA various international authoritative standards implementation, quality has reached the international standard, it is a designated enterprise's exports to the United States Humanistic management make the enterprise can exist, system management make the enterprise can grow, innovative management make the enterprise enduring. Tivoli emperor (rural house) companies adhering to the "people + system + innovation" G management mode, people-oriented, teamwork, implement standardized and institutionalized management and continue to innovate and power source for the enterprise development, aiming at shaping the first-class enterprise image, first-class management level, the first-class product quality, the first-class service quality. For years tivoli emperor (rural house) timber always takes "customer's demand is our greatest pursuit" enterprise development purposes, "high quality + value-added service of" make to tivoli emperor (rural house) wood has won numerous customer's trust, At present the company 90% of the products are exported to America, Israel, Belgium, South Korea, Singapore, panama, Africa, Germany, England, more than 20 countries and regions. Main business: plywood, structural template, joinery board technology wood floor particieboard density board to produce multilayer prototypes sticking the panel fire prevention board Business model: production-based Enjoy rural pure and fresh and then build you healthy home



联系人 曹庆余 
手机号码 158539***** 点击查看 
座机电话 0539-8621580 
传真号码 0539--8560795 
联系地址 临沂市兰山区义堂镇代庄路口西500米 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:临沂市兰山区义堂镇代庄路口西500米 技术支持:成都九正科技