"Shanghai green" based on the forefront of the international
Home Furnishing fashion, the world Home Furnishing popular
development first, with keen insight, imagination, into living
products. From modeling to the performance of flash all the charm
of the design. Shanghai Luwa Home Furnishing products, combined
with the human engineering principle, pay attention to security
detail, realize the function and the perception of a perfect fit,
sends out the humanistic care in every possible way.
In 2014, the company reform management mode, cooperation
franchisee for the national assembly, the Shanghai green years of
operating results and the country Home Furnishing enterprise
sharing, to allow more consumers to enjoy from the Shanghai green
quality products and services in more recent place.
A high starting point of the Shanghai green, will work
together with our customers, and constantly strive for excellence,
and create excellence, glory and dream together to write a Home
Furnishing industry! Warmly welcome friends from all walks of life
to visit and give guidance, sharing art experience with us.
公司主营:防盗窗、防盗挑窗、平开防盗窗 大防盗窗、大防盗挑窗、大平开防盗窗 防盗门、防盗门、大防盗门 推拉纱窗三节纱窗
拉珠纱窗 推拉纱门 卷式纱门平开纱门 推拉防盗纱窗三节 防盗纱窗 平开防盗纱窗 推拉防盗纱门
推拉防盗纱门(双开)平开防盗纱门 推拉窗 单玻四轨阳台窗 中空四轨阳台窗 平开窗
断桥平开窗木纹断桥平开窗 推拉门 阳台门 平开门 阳光房阳光房圆弧阳光房 草坪护栏
围墙护栏 护栏门 空调百叶 阳台护栏 道路护栏