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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 机械 > 铝窗加工机器-铝门窗设备-铝门窗机器-铝门窗机械-铝窗设备


发布日期:2011-02-26 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 机械 - 行业设备 - 其它 - 加工设备
规格型号 铝型材数控双头切割锯LJZ2-CNC-500×4200
产品数量 10
地区 山东 - 济南

铝窗加工机器-铝门窗设备-铝门窗机器-铝门窗机械-铝窗设备 铝型材数控双头切割锯LJZ2S-500×4200 Double-head Cutting Saw CNC for Aluminurm Profile LJZ2S-500×4200   ◆进口数控系统,数字控制切割长度,尺寸准确 ◆进口滚珠丝杠带动机头左右移动,重复定位精度高 ◆可同时输入一系列优化长度数据,实现连续依次切割 ◆锯片主轴采用高精密主轴,专用进口硬质合金锯片 ◆切割进给运动与机头的左右移动导轨,均采用进口直线轴承运动副 ◆锯处于进给由液压阻尼气缸提供动力 ◆加工范围大,切割长度达4200mm,切割角度为90°、45°、22.5°三种角度按钮自动转换 ◆后托料架随活动机头的运动自动伸缩 ◆安全罩随锯片的退、进自动起落,安全性好 ◆气控阀控制摆角气缸,避免电磁阀长期带电引起失效   The machine specialized led for the importable data-con-trolled system.The data control the range of cutting precisely.The importable cylinder can make the machine move left and right.Imputting a series of data ,the machine can cut contlnuously and successively . The main axle are made precisely and specialized for the importable allpy . The moving of saw is motirated by the hydraulic damper cylinder . The machine can produce the large range and the length of cutting can arrive 4200mm , the cutting angles are 90,45 and 22.5,the can change into another automatically The frame can go and back rautomatically with the head of the machine . The safety precaution can up and down with the saw safely . The tyre air valves coiltrol the corner cylinder , avoid the electricity of the machine.


联系人 李经理
联系电话 0531-68812666
Email tianchenjiaming@126.com
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