Uaro Tile Limited specializes in producing high-grade mosaic and
wall / floor tiles. With fully equipped research and production
facilities, Uaro provides you with only the finest tiles from South
China. Our quality management systems make sure you get only
top-grade products. Choose from our range of glass mosaic tiles,
crystal mosaic tiles and ceramic mosaic tiles. Borders and pattern
designs can be modified to your liking. Use our mosaic tiles for
your home and building interiors, swimming pools, fountains,
gardens, building facades and similar applications.
师们将这些精致的马赛克组合成混色、渐变、壁画、工艺画等艺术产品,我们竭诚 欢迎国内外新老客户及朋友前来洽谈购货,共同开拓市场。