


鑫众建材是一家集研发、生产、销售一体,专业从事UV板生产的企业,工厂地处上海嘉定工业区。公司引进具有国际先进水准的成套生产线,依托全新技术,精选优等原材料,专业生产“钻牌”UV板。 “钻牌”是鑫众建材的**商标,高效的管理系统,雄厚的技术力量,丰富的生产经验,完善的售后服务,确保钻牌UV板的优良品质,钻牌UV板销售服务网络遍布全国各地。   钻牌UV板采用**先进生产流水线,国外**先进生产工艺,聘请国外资深技术人员指导研究,攻克了目前国内UV板生产所出现的 1 附着力 2 表面橘皮 3 颜色不鲜 这三大难题,使板材成品开锯不刨边,镜面高光效果明显,色彩丰满诱人,不褪色,耐酸碱腐蚀。且钻牌UV板采用符合欧洲E1级环保标准的防潮型基材,国际**品牌高亮高清晰UV光固化环保油漆,质量和服务是我们对客户的承诺,钻牌UV板是橱柜、板式家具**的绿色环保材料。   钻牌UV板必将成为未来橱柜行业的一只独秀!   Shanghai Xin Zhong Building Materials Co. Ltd. is specially in the UV board production and engaged in researching and developing, the producing as one body. The factory is situated at the Shanghai Jiading industrial district. The company introduces the international advanced standard complete production line, depends on the brand-new technology, selects excellent raw material. It is specialized in producing "DRILLS" UV board.Mark "DRILLS" is Shanghai Xin Zhong Building Materials Co. Ltd."s famous trademark. The highly effective management system, the abundant technical force, the rich production experience, the consummation post-sale service, All those guarantee that "DRILLS" UV board is the good quality. "DRILLS" UV board"s sale service network proliferate in all China. Shanghai Xin Zhong building materials Co. Ltd has signed the long-term cooperativeagreement with countries such as Italy, South Korea, Russia, Mongolia and so on. All cause "DRILLS" UV board to step into the world stage..   "DRILLS" UV board"s materials are imported shaving board, which environmental protection coefficient achieves the E1 level standard. It is moisture-proof, not distorted; "DRILLS" UV board primer to select the Shanghai name brand PU paint. The color is bright, full, the environmental protection coefficient is high. It is high packing, high coherence, high smoothness. It achieves non-fading truly, and have no cedrat; "DRILLS" UV board select imported high luminance, high clear UV finish-coat. The pan gloss is sharp, feel lubrication, bears the friction, anti-corrosive, and antibacterial.The quality and the service are our pledge to the customer. "DRILLS" UV board is the   First choice of green environmental protection material in cabinet, panel furniture.



联系人 詹先生/潘先生 
手机号码 132177***** 点击查看 
座机电话 0771 2555157 2559951 
联系地址 广西南宁市北湖路尾连畴村 
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地址:广西南宁市北湖路尾连畴村 技术支持:成都九正科技