


赛德斯邦系传承东西方文化的建材高端品牌。其经营产品包含有:室内地砖、室内墙砖、马赛克、浴室柜、浴室配件及工艺装饰品等等。公司总部位于陶业名都——佛山,拥有完善的产品生产基地及4000平方的总部营销中心。赛德斯邦以陶瓷亚光砖为核心产品,依托中高档建材产品,注重产品研发设计及空间解决方案,倡导赛德斯邦独有的、国际的、现代的、自然的、本色的、格调的、雅致的、超乎想象的质感生活。赛德斯邦是质感生活的倡导者,提供者,推广者 “创新的产品,创新的设计”是赛德斯邦一直尊崇的理念,公司与**瓷砖设计公司意大利GAMMA DUE、**陈设设计公司荷兰T.V.O.签订长期合作协议。致力于生产高品味、高品质产品,设计出高水平的展示风格,以满足广大消费者生活需求,并协助提升生活格调。 赛德斯邦拥有一个有思想、想作为、快乐地生活的智力型管理团队,他们尊崇“以人为本”的企业文化,他们善待员工、善待客户、善待合作者、善待供应商。“人性化管理,培养智慧型专业人才,打造必胜的团队”是公司企业文化核心。营造轻松舒适的成长环境,建立良好的培训制度,让真正的人才能够更好地提升自己的水平。 赛德斯邦用创意整合全行业的资源,力求改变建陶行业的旧有模式和竞争规则,以创新的商业模式构筑强大的发展竞争力,立志成为建材行业创意经济的探路者和引路人。 Cerlords is high-end building material brand who inherent the beauty of Oriental and West culture. Its over 4,000 square meters headquarter locates at the Ceramic Capital of Foshan. Its product ranges cover interior floor and wall tile, mosaic tile, sanitary ware, bathroom cabinet, decoration accessories and art crafts, etc.. Cerlords advocates “Quality Life” beyond your imaging. Unique, international, modern, natural, pure, high-taste, elegant is the characteristics of Cerlords. “Innovative products, innovative designs” are the core of Cerlords. Cooperating with world class companies like GAMMA DUE Italy and T.V.O. Holland, Cerlords devotes itself in providing high-quality products, high-taste designs to customers seeking for better life. Cerlords’ intellectual management team pursues “Yi Ren Wei Ben” company culture, well treat to employee, well treat to customers, well treat to partners, and well treat to suppliers. Cerlords focus on integrating every resource by innovation, changing the existing business mode and competition in building material industry. With the powerful competitive ability generated from the newly created business mode, Cerlords aim to become the explorer and pioneer in building material industry.



联系人 陈先生 
手机号码 135880***** 点击查看 
座机电话 0757-83995020 
传真号码 0757-83990716 
联系地址 佛山市同济路12号永丰大厦A座1415 
其它联系 网页留言


地址:佛山市同济路12号永丰大厦A座1415 技术支持:成都九正科技