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飞剪螺旋风管机 圆风管成型机

发布日期:2010-07-09 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 机械
规格型号 SBTF-1602
产品数量 批量生产
地区 江苏 - 无锡
详细链接 //www.sbkj.com.cn/ProductShow.asp?I

产品描述 The module technique gives the customer the possibility to choose between a number of options, allowing him to create a machine a number of options, allowing him to create a machine for his specific needs. The frequency controlled main drive ensures a smooth acceleration and an almost noiseless operation.  The outstanding patented flying slitter cuts the tubes to lengthwithout noise or hot sparks as known from the saws and provides smooth tube ends without deburring. The design and options fulfill the needs in HVAC to produce in mild steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminum  The corrugation unit allows a reduction in material costs and makes the bigger diameter tubes more rigid.   技术参数: 直径范围 80 – 1600mm 厚度范围 镀锌板  0.4 -1.3mm 不锈钢  0.8mm 铝  板  0.4-1.2mm   带料宽度 厚度达1mm, 标准宽度为137mm, 在要求范围内可以达140mm 咬口 外圆管,可按要求在内部咬口 工作速度 最大切割速度60米/分,视材料而定 切割方式 飞速切割 净重 2900kg 毛重 3200kg 设备尺寸 3000mm*1950mm*1700mm, 包装尺寸 3050mm*2000mm*1800mm 操作性能 具有自动控制长度的系统&锯断切割装置


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