


关于克诺斯邦/About Kronospan 源自德国 服务中国——德国克诺斯邦地板/Serves China, Come from Germany--------- GERMAN KRONOSPAN WOODWORK GROUP   让音乐在木器上“流淌” 19世纪末,诞生过音乐神童莫扎特的奥地利古城Salzburg城郊的Lungoetz小镇上,年轻的卡恩先生继承了父亲传下来的木工手艺,并凭着自己天赋的艺术悟性不断改进工艺,使原本笨拙的木器凭添了几分如音乐般的韵律与华丽。卡恩的名声很快在当地传开。 1897年,Salzburg大公为幼子举办婚礼,特向卡恩定制婚后所需的木制品,并让他负责日后城堡中所有木制品的供应。为此,卡恩决定创立自己的木材加工工厂。 从那一刻起,做**好的木制品成了卡恩家族的使命,薪火相传,至今已经跨越三个世纪。 Let the music flow on the wooden article At the end of the 19th century, were born in Lungoetz small town of the music infant genius Mozart"s Austrian ancient city Salzburg outskirts, young Mr. Kahn has inherited the woodwork that father descends, and update the craft according to the artistic comprehensibility of one"s own talent, enable the originally clumsy wooden furniture according to adding the meter in verse and magnificent like music somewhat. Kahn’s reputation spreads quickly in the locality. In 1897, Salzburg archduke holds the wedding for the little son, specially customizes necessary woodwork after marriage to Kahn, make him responsible for the supply of all woodwork of the castle in the future.Therefore, Kahn decided to establish own woodworking factory. From that time , making the best woodwork becomes the mission of Kahn family, the firewood fire has already crossed over three centuries so far according to legend. 让地板成为克诺斯邦的骄傲/Enable the floor become Kronospan’s arrogant   二十世纪八十年代初,克诺斯邦木业集团为谋求更好发展将总部迁到了德国。同时,集团开始集中优势资源介入强化木地板生产领域,到1994年,克诺斯邦已经成为全球**专业的**的强化木地板制造商。其强化木地板、高密度纤维板、中密度纤维板、三聚氰胺贴面板、OSB板的产量均居世界**地位。在德国、英国、卢森堡、波兰、俄罗斯、捷克、奥地利、中国等国家拥有20多家大型制造基地,是世界性产品,全球化品牌。 从2000年起,克诺斯邦就致力于打造中国地板产业的生态系统。先后投巨资,分别在江苏和北京建立了亚洲大规模的地板生产基地,产品主要用于出口欧洲。 2005年,克诺斯邦(Kronospan)品牌的地板产品正式在中国销售。目的在于给中国消费者带来集优异品质、国际家居潮流与超低价格于一身的超值产品。 At the beginning of 1980s, the Kronospan wooden industry group for seeking a better development moved the headquarters to Germany. Meanwhile, the group begins the centralized superior resources and gets involved and strengthens the production field of timber apron , by 1994, Kronospan become in the world professional first-class strengthen the manufacturers of timber apron most already then.The output of the strengthen timber apron, high density fiberboard, hits the density fiberboard, gathers the output of sticking the panel, OSB board of cyanogens amine takes first place in the world. Having more than 20 large-scale manufacture bases in countries such as Germany , Britain , Luxembourg , Poland , Russia , Czech , Austria , China ,etc., it is the world products, globalization brand. From 2000, the Kronospan devotes to making the ecosystem of the Chinese floor industry.Successively invested a huge sum of money, have set up the extensive floor production base of Asia in Jiangsu and Beijing separately, the products are used mainly for exporting to Europe. In 2005, the Kronospan brand floor product officially sells in China.The purpose lies in bringing the overbalanced products incorporating excellent quality , the trend of international house and ultra low price into an organic whole to Chinese consumer.



联系人 张军 
手机号码 133692***** 点击查看 
座机电话 13369206810.13389178987 
联系地址 陕西省宝鸡市好美居-家美佳建材装饰广场2通道 
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地址:陕西省宝鸡市好美居-家美佳建材装饰广场2通道 技术支持:成都九正科技