


华富(WEBFORGE)集团是全球生产钢格板及相关产品**大的企业之一,拥有先进的设备、雄厚的技术力量、成熟的工艺以及60多年丰富的加工和管理经验。集团在澳大利亚、新西兰、中国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡、中东、越南等地分别设有制造中心和销售机构。华富集团一直致力于钢格板及相关产品的研究和生产,其优质的产品得到各行业的好评,已成为国际**的品牌产品。 广州美罗钢格板有限公司、无锡美罗钢格板有限公司是华富(WEBFORGE)集团在中国设立的全资子公司。公司均采用华富(WEBFORGE)集团统一的质量管理体系运作,并通过了香港品质保证局ISO9001认证,同时还获得UKS、HKCAS、CNAB、IQNET等认可标志,证书编号为:CC1583、CC1894。已服务过中外各行业的工程万多项,其中特大型工程上千项。 随着市场的需求和企业的发展需要,华富集团在中国新增加了一条采用微电脑控制的压锁钢格板自动化生产线。 Webforge Group is a leading steel gratings manufacturer of the world. With its advanced equipment, strong technique power and mature manufacturing process, Webforge Group has enjoyed 60 years success globally in gratings and construction materials industry. The group company is headquartered in Australia, and also set up manufacturing plants in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand, New Zealand, Singapore, etc. By its continuous improvement in the product workmanship and client service, the WEBFORGE brand grating has marked its name for decades. Guangzhou Webforge Grating Co., Ltd and Wuxi Webfore Grating Co., Ltd are two Chinese subsidiaries of the Webforge Group. The two companies introduced full sets of equipment and advanced manufacturing technologies and management systems from the Webforge Group. The companies also adopt the Group’s globally unified product standards and have acquired ISO9001 certification issued by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Bureau with certificate No. CC1583 and CC1894 respectively. Besides, the companies also acquired certification of UKS, HKCAS, CNAB and IQNET. For years Webforge Chinese companies have provided goods and services for tens of thousands of projects throughout the world, out of which thousands of them are large-scale ones. To satisfy the requirement of the market and company further development, Webforge Group added a microcomputer controlled Press-locked grating production line in China.



联系人 宋 先生 
手机号码 138261***** 点击查看 
座机电话 020-82212791 
传真号码 020-82212792 
联系地址 广州经济技术开发区金发三街6号 
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地址:广州经济技术开发区金发三街6号 技术支持:成都九正科技