此份套装是针对我们的销售人员,经销商和**终用户的,希望通过此份套装提升阿姆斯装“系统销售”的市场理念,帮助我们的经销商和客户更全面更专业的进行清洁保养工作,使我们的项目都能保持良好的形象,加强公司的售后服务质量,并巩固阿姆斯装在业内的一贯专业形象。 |
Market sales of the latest systems
tools : Armstrong to build a clean maintenance package has been
formally published. Small box can be put to great serviceability.
Armstrong to build a clean maintenance package not only provides a
wealth of trying them cleaning products (professional cleaning
agents neutral ground, - wax products, brush-like film pieces,
efficient welcome home Brazzaville) is also equipped with equipment
to build Armstrong maintenance manuals and demo discs, let every
one customer from words to images of all known how the cleaning and
maintenance of their choice to build products, effective upgrade to
the hard ground maintenance of a clean, Church customers how
professional cleaning and maintenance of the system processes.
Follow the same time to build a wax around the block-like contrast,
customers can directly before and after the judgment wax results.
Finally, a project with the owners of the letter and evaluation of
the project fields. These suits against our sales staff,
distributors and end-users. These hopes to upgrade sets of
Armstrong loaded "system sales" in the market concept, help our
distributors and customers a more comprehensive and professional
cleaning and maintenance work, so that we can keep the project a
good image and enhance the quality of after-sale services, and the
consolidation of the industry Armstrong packed in the usual
professional image.