



香港澳琦建材实业有限公司是一家专业从事厨柜、地板、铝合金扣板、集成电器等研发、生产、销售为一体的大型综合企业。公司成立于2001年,现有员工2000多人,拥有一批专业的高素质技术人员和管理英才,厨柜和地板长期出口东南亚及港、澳台等国家和地区,产品深受消费者的青睐,年产值近10亿元。2010年,公司将重心转向内陆市场,在浙江嘉兴集成吊顶基地,授权嘉兴华仕集成吊顶公司全权使用澳琦商标和澳琦品牌。秉持我们的专业品质,引进美国全套AOQI Ceiling生产管理技术和液压、滚压设备及**技术人才,全新地将吊顶模块化,**地融入换气、照明、取暖等一系列功能,打造功能齐备的人性化吊顶系统,为您呈现美观和谐的全新厨卫空间。一体化设计、一体化安装、心与心的服务,保证和满足客户需求。
HK Aoqi Building Material Industrial Limited is large-scale integrated enterprise, which gathers the R & D , the production and the sales. It mainly produces kitchen cabinets, flooring, aluminum wall panel, integrated appliances etc.
Established in 2001, Aoqi company currently employs more than 2,000 people, with a group of professional technical and management excellence. The kitchen cabinets and floor have exported to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, other countries and regions with highly favored by consumers. The annual total output value nearly one billion yuan.
The company shifts product core to inland markets in 2010, and authorizes Zhejiang Haiyan County Huashi Ceiling Factory which is based in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province to use Auqi trademark brand. To uphold our professional quality, the full range U.S. AOQI Ceiling production management techniques, hydraulic and rolling equipment, top technical talents have been brought in, which perfectly integrate the ventilation, lighting and heating into ceiling, then create a full-featured human design ceiling system for your new kitchen and bathroom.
We know the daily pressure and demands our clients deal with; and we strive to ease their load by offering integration design and installation, competitive pricing, punctual delivery, superior service,… always.
At Aoqi company, you can shop with confidence; knowing that you will receive top-quality products and exceptional customer service every time.




联系人 经理 
手机号码 136566***** 点击查看 
座机电话 00852-83408916 
传真号码 00852-28691896 
联系地址 香港中環德輔道中112-114號順安商業大廈6樓5室 
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地址:香港中環德輔道中112-114號順安商業大廈6樓5室 技术支持:成都九正科技